SK - Support Brad's fight against Justin's carbon tax

Author: 2016/09/20

Dear Supporter,

Ottawa says it’s going to force a carbon tax on all of the provinces whether they like it or not.

“It’s mandatory that everyone will have to have a price on carbon,” 
says federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna. “If provinces don’t do that, the federal government will provide a backstop.”

That’s a huge flip-flop. The federal government promised to work with the provinces. Now it’s a my-way-or-the-highway situation.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall isn’t taking this sitting down.

“If it’s some sort of universal price that will manifest itself as a tax and be disproportionately impacting the energy sector, which is already reeling, then we have a big problem in Saskatchewan,” said Premier Wall.

Premier Wall is saying no to a carbon tax for good reasons. We wrote about it in the 
Leader-Post. We teamed up with the Western Canadian Wheat Growers to write about the ways a carbon tax would hurt farmers in the Globe and Mail. Here’s the bottom line: carbon taxes don’t work.

We criticize politicians when they need it, but we also make sure they know people are behind them when they do the right thing.

Premier Wall needs to know people are standing with him in his fight against a carbon tax.

Please sign our petition to show your support for Premier Wall’s stand against a carbon tax: https://www.taxpayer.com/resource-centre/petitions/petition?tpContentId=143

Thanks for your support – it’s making a difference.

- Todd, Shannon, Dean and the entire CTF staff

P.S.: Thousands of Canadians feel the same way, but don’t know how to find this petition. We want to advertise this petition through Facebook. Can you chip in $20 today? You can donate through our secure donation website: 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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